30 March-1 April 2017
The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Chicago
The SACRIMA members travel to Chicago!
Chiara Franceschini presented the paper “Painted portraits in Roman chapels around 1550” in the panel Chapels in Roman Churches between the Cinquecento and the Seicento: Form and Meaning organized by Patrizia Tosini and Steven Ostrow, sponsored by the Associate Organization / Society of Fellows of the American Academy in Rome.
Erin Giffin delivered the paper “Transcendent Materiality: The Santa Casa di Loreto” in the panel Beyond Renaissance Binaries organized by Lorenzo Buonanno and Jessica Anne Maratsos.
Cloe Cavero presented the paper “Enacting a Miracle: A New Chapel for the Virgin of El Sagrario in Toledo”, in the panel The Interaction of Art and Relics in Early Modernity organized by Livia Stoenescu and Andrew Casper.