
Sommersemester 2017

Sacred Images and Visual Normativity in Early Modern Art

Research Seminar (Oberseminar), SoSe 2017

Institut für Kunstgeschichte, LMU, Zentnerstr. 31, Room 4.  Thursdays, 17-20.





27 April: Chiara Franceschini, Introduction – The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe

4 May: Chiara Franceschini, “Too many wounds”: Innocenzo da Petralia’s hyperrealistic crucifixes and the normative image

11 May: Chiara Franceschini, Borderlines. Limbo and Liminal Figures in Renaissance Art

1 June: Cloe Cavero de Carondelet (Munich), Embraced by the Virgin: Imagining Sacred History in Early Modern Spain

8 June: Aleksandra Lipińska (Munich), Art and Reformation in Central and Eastern Europe

22 June: Rebecca Müller (Frankfurt/Augsburg), Ästhetisierung des Leidens. Der Cristo passo in der venezianischen Malerei um 1450

29 June: Veronika Winkler (Munich), Establishing norms: The making of hagiographical cycles in Spain and the Viceroyalty of Peru

6 July: Chiara Petrolini (Rome) / Chiara Franceschini, Per naturalia ad invisibilia: images and (botanical) conversions

 20 July: Klaus Krüger (Berlin), Heilspräsenz – Bildpräsenz. Ästhetik der Liminalität

 27 July: Tamara Golan (Munich), The Painter as Iconoclast Inquisitor?: Niklaus Manuel and the Reformation of Images in 16th Century Bern. Bernhard Seidler (Munich), Dürer’s temptation of St. Anthony from 1521 (W 884) – a ‘Dürer’ off the mind