The extent of the poetic license
After the participants had already limited the poetic licence, now follows the final definition of the licence (at least for poetic painting).
The two ways of depicting the procession of Christ to Calvary
The iconography of Passion of Christ was an important topic for Pacheco. When the author analysed the scene of “The procession to Calvary with the cross”, he examined the scene in which Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross. It can be depicted in two manners according to the author: Cyrene helping Christ behind him, carrying the end of the Cross; or Jesus Christ would have passed it to the shoulder of Cyrene so that he carried it alone. Pacheco states should not be reprehended if painted in one way or the other.
During the Flight into Egypt, the Virgin likely sat on a donkey, while Joseph walked
Molanus argues that the depiction of Mary, Joseph, and the infant Christ during the Flight into Egypt by painters corresponds to historical customs.
Christ hanging on the Cross painted in all his strength
Molanus argues that recent paintings of Christ on the Cross in all strength are improbable, since languid is more typical of dying.
Pastor Duncanus and the cult of St.Helper in Wormer in Holland
Molanus recounts the story of the misidentification of Christ as St. Helper by the believers in Wormer, Holland, to demonstrate the usefulness of writing the saint’s name on the artwork.
On the appropriate opportunities for painters to show their skills
Having previously criticised the graceful representation of the body of Christ in the Passion, the participants in the dialogue now offer the artist options in which he can demonstrate his skill, according to the iconography he is trying to represent.
How to represent St. Christopher (and how not to do it)
Dealing with the story of St. Christopher, Pacheco analysed how the saint should be depicted. He doubts, according to Molanus studies, about depicting the St. Christopher giant. Pacheco states, following his literature sources, that the saint was tall and with great stature, although not as tall as he is often depicted.
John should not be depicted as the bridegroom at the Wedding Feast at Cana
Molanus criticises de common depiction of John the Evangelist as the bridegroom at the wedding feast at Cana, which is not in correspondence with the teachings of the Church.
Decorating altars with the images of saints is an ancient and thus accepted practice
Molanus affirms that the decoration of altars with images of saints is an ancient tradition and therefore allowed, despite recent critique on this practice.
The use of religious images is not only spread among catholics
Molanus counters the critique by protestants on the use of images in the Catholic Church, affirming these are legitimate contrary to the medals of reformers they carry themselves.
The power of the saints is criticised as being only of fustain or of stone by a Frenchman in Aragon
The Frenchman Joan de Momas described the saints’ lack of power.
Virgin Mary is who circumcised the Child Jesus
Pacheco states that the circumcision of the Christ-child was made by Virgin Mary. The author afterward declares that the way of painting this scene should be represented from that moment onwards, although he recognises the way of painting it might be seen as new.
Images of the Trinity as a man with three heads or with three faces is a diabolical invention
Molanus condemns a rather widespread way of depicting the Holy Trinity, namely their representation as one man with three heads or one head with three faces, which would be a monster of nature and a diabolical invention.
Job’s Friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar were kings
Molanus condemns the depiction of Job’s friends as entertainers because in reality they were wise men.
Representation of saints should not give rise to quarrels and debate
Molanus pleads that the position of saints in painting should not lead to discussion and debate.
False criticism on the Three Godly Graces by a Calvinist
Molanus attacks Calvinsts’ claims of the inexistence and thus untruthfulness of the use of images of Fides, Spes, and Charitas.
Diego Gosqui does not believe what the Christians say of the crucifix and tramples over it
Diego Gosqui, a Morisco, does not believe in the image of the crucifix declaring ironically that if it had any power, it would rise.
The historic painter
In contrast to the poetic artist, the historical painter requires a higher level of skill.
Warning Christian painters of the correctness with which they should proceed
Pacheco warns the reader of his intentions in alerting Christian painters of the correctness with which they should proceed in painting the sacred stories.
How to depict the Resurrection of Christ (and how not to do it)
The Passion of Christ iconography was an important topic for Pacheco. When the author analysed the scene of the “Resurrection”, among several observations on how to do it, he states the inadequate manners to depict such a scene: the tomb of Christ opened and Christ takes one leg out to get out of it around it, also the terrified guards covering themselves, some with their shields and, behind, reaching for their swords. All these elements should be avoided.
Tempter of Christ in the wilderness
Molanus discusses whether the stones Christ turned into bread were handed by him by the tempter or whether they were on the ground.
The Virgin Mary showing her breast to Christ should be understood figuratively
Molanus argues that images in which Mary shows her breast to Christ are drawn from the Sermon of St. Bernard. His words have to be understood figuratively and so have to be understood the paintings which are drawn from them.
Images should respect the size, silhouette and colours of the depicted person
Molanus argues that painters should follow the ancients and depict persons true to the harmony of their silhouette, size, and colour.