Series of twelve images with the Passion of Christ, which are considered suspect of Lutheranism, with texts in Latin and French
“in total they are twelve images and have on their reverse sides, some in Latin and others in French, an epitome and sum of Luther’s errors, which are and become the same as those which by order of the Supreme Council of the General Inquisition have been ordered to be removed and taken from the summaries, indexes and repertories of the sacred Bibles, which the said letters and paintings of themselves and together with each other were very significant of the heresies of these times, and were represented so vividly, and moreover with so much artifice, that many could be deceived as to their meaning by seeing them alleged for proof, authoritative of the sacred scripture; Therefore, it was asked us and requested to us to provide for the above, as was most convenient, so that the said books and paintings would not enter this land, and those that existed, would be collected and the faithful Christians would not have occasion to be deceived as they could be, and because it seemed to us to be a just and convenient thing, worthy of being remedied with particular study, worthy of remedy with particular study in these parts where it is so convenient to warn the many new books and canvases of paintings that enter the land every year, We have agreed to give and have given the present, by which We order, prohibite and exhort and command all and any persons of whatever state, order and dignity they may be, neighbours and order and dignity that they may be, neighbours and dwellers and residents in the said provinces, that no one should have or read the said books or paintings, but that as soon as they have knowledge of this Our letter, they should exhibit and bring them before us, They shall exhibit and bring them before Us and give notice if they have known and understood that they have entered this land or that any person has brought them in publicly or secretly, with or without good faith, and that no printer, bookseller or merchant may bring or sell them, under penalty of the sentence of major excommunication and two hundred ducats for the expenses of the Holy Office.”
“Item unas imágenes de papel y molde que prosiguen la historia del la pasión de Cristo, comenzando desde la entrada del Señor el día de Ramos y fenece cuando saca los santos padres del limbo, que por todas son doce imagenes y tienen a las espaldas unas en latin y otras en frances, una epitome y suma de los errores de Lutero que son y vienen a ser los mesmos que por mandado del Supremo Consejo de la General Inquisicion se han mandado quitar y quitado de los sumarios, indices y repertorios de las Biblias sagradas, las cuales dichas letras y pinturas de por si y junto lo uno con lo otro eran muy significativas de las herejias de estos tiempos, y las estaban representando tan al vivo, y por otra parte con tanto artificio, que muchos podrian ser engañados de su significacion viendo alegadas para la prueba, authoridades de la escritura sagrada; por tanto, que nos pedia y pidio mandasemos proveer acerca de lo susodicho, como mas conviniese, para que los dichos libros y pinturas no entrasen en esta tierra, y los que hubiesen, fuesen recogidos y los fieles cristianos no tuviesen ocasion para ser engañados como lo podian ser, y por Nos visto ser cosa justa y conveniente, digna de remediar con particular estudio en estas partes donde tanto conviene advertir a los muchos libros nuevos y lienzos de pinturas que en la tierra entran cada año, acordamos dar y dimos la presente, por la cual ordenamos, prohibimos y exhortamos y mandamos a todos e cualquier personas de cualquier estado, orden y dignidad que sean, vecinos y moradores y residentes en estas dichas provincias, que ninguno tenga ni lea los dichos libros ni lienzos de pinturas, sino que luego que de esta nuestra carta tuvieren noticia, los exhiban y traigan ante Nos y den noticia si hubieren sabido y entendido que hayan entrado en esta tierra o que persona alguna los haya metido publica o secretamente con buena fe o sin ella, y que ningun impresor, librero ni mercader los pueda traer ni vender, so pena de sentencia de excomunion mayor y de doscientos ducados para gastos del Santo Oficio.”
Alberto María Carreño, La imprenta y la Inquisición en el siglo xvi, Estudios eruditos in memoriam de Alfonso Bonilla y San Martín, Madrid: Imprenta Viuda e hijos e hijos de Jaime Ratés, 1927, 91-114, p. 111; Borja Franco Llopis and Stefania Rusconi, Sobre pinturas deshonestas, lienzos y naipes protestantes: tres documentos inquisitoriales vinculados a la censura y tráfico de imágenes heréticas en el mundo hispánico del siglo XVI, Manuscrits: Revista de història moderna, no. 33 (2015): 97-118.