Warning Christian painters of the correctness with which they should proceed
Year mention: 1649
religious depiction
Lack of visual clarity

Artist’s ignorance

Pacheco, Francisco
Frostispiece of Pacheco, El Arte de la pintura (1649), Seville, Simon Faxardo, impressor de libros, a la Cerrajeria

Pacheco warns the reader of his intentions in alerting Christian painters of the correctness with which they should proceed in painting the sacred stories. Alerting especially the “less intelligent craftsmen (because the more capable not only love freedom but eagerly shake off the game of reason)”, he gives notice of the carelessness committed in paintings by ignorance or malice of the artisans. Such conviction of Pacheco was legitimized through his role as a professional honored with particular license by the Holy Court of the Inquisition, a charge that was dispatched and signed on March 7, 1618.

“Although it seems that in many parts of these books, the punctuality that must be observed in painting the sacred stories as they were dictated by the Holy Spirit, and the holy Givers declare them, is highly urged, the proposed warnings will not be exceeded; especially the less intelligent craftsmen (because the more capable not only love freedom but eagerly shake off the game of reason). […] And, thus, it will not seem alien to my profession to warn Christian painters of the correctness with which they should proceed, and more, being honored with particular license by the Holy Court of the Inquisition, to give notice of the carelessness committed in such paintings by ignorance, or malice, of the artisans, charge that was dispatched and signed on March 7, 1618.”

“Aunque parece que queda bastantemente encarecida, en muchas partes de estos libros, la puntualidad que se debe guardar en pintar las sagradas historias conforme fueron dictadas por el Espíritu Santo, y los Dotores santos las declaran, no serán sobradas las advertencias propuestas; en especial a los artífices menos inteligentes (porque los más capaces no sólo aman la libertad, pero sacuden, con impaciencia, el yugo de la razón). […] Y, así, no parecerá ajeno de mi profesión advertir a los pintores cristianos el acierto con que deben proceder, y más, hallándome honrado con particular licencia por el Santo Tribunal de la Inquisición, para dar noticia de los descuidos cometidos en semejantes pinturas por ignorancia, o malicia, de los artífices, cargo que se despachó y firmó en 7 de marzo de 1618.”

Ignorancia, malicia
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